Saturday, May 12, 2007


There is an old friend in the castle and is so old, so old as time, and for being so old, he is lost in time. I do not know , but sometimes it seems that I can see him, other times that I can listen to him, but really I do not know.
I call him by his name and he seems not to listen and I call him again and then he seems to listen, if I look for him and chase him, he runs and I do not find him. And that's why I do know that he is my friend, because when we were children , we would play and he would hide. Now the time has passed and sometimes I listen to him, but it is not when I want, but when I do not want, and this generally happens when I am tired sometimes of everything and of nothing. Then I am quiet for a moment, and there he appears in the center of the castle surrounding everything. And when I wake up of that daydream, I return again to the game and my friend hides .
My old friend who has lived with me for a long time, is like that. He will never stop been my old friend: The Silence

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