Saturday, April 21, 2007


I promise that I will reach my destiny, I will reveal the path, I will know in truth what's in that eternity. And that young man went to the sea and among waves and wind, he searched and searched until almost with no breath left, lost in the horizon, he found himself at the doors of heaven.
And a voice said: What are you looking for? This is not your time, neither your place yet, go back to the sea and to the earth where you came from. I know very well that you want to know if there was happiness here and why the ones who left never go back to earth. And for your dedication and effort I will reveal you a secret: This is the region of eternal peace, and the doors are open to the ones who deserve to enter but there is a sacred clock which is time, that can never be moved forward or backwards. You, as everyone else have your place here, but at this time, you only need to know that you don't need to travel for any other path which is not your own original path.

continued by clicking the linkg of "older posts" found below

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