Saturday, April 21, 2007


Don't force your destiny since the supreme embrace always comes giving place to the eternal dwelling which is called heaven and only the ones who have a just and noble heart reach its highest summit. If not, there are other regions of sadness, melancholy and loneliness. If you truly want to reach what's highest and best, don't rush trying to arrive, but instead live always in your present because this is always the first step to eternity. And then he felt as picked up by gigantic hands that would take him from that heavenly region to its white shores with sand that seemed as snow. And there he was left to rest and to recuperate from his long journey. And that young man could at last understand that heaven is the region of eternal compassion. And in this way, we end this journey with this reflection:

"Live each day of your life with Love in your heart since when the time comes and heaven can reveal what nobody can give you, it will be because of the Love that you have given, and then you will receive peace in heaven for all eternity"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.